(From L) Samuel Sandler, father and grandfather of three of the victims of Islamist gunman Mohamed Merah, the Mayor of Lille and Socialist Party member Martine Aubry, Hassen Chalghoumi, Imam of the northern Paris suburb of Drancy and president of the French Association of Imams, French writer Marek Halter, UMP right-wing party member Eric Woerth and Joel Mergui, president of the Central Jewish Consistory of France and Pierre Gattaz (3rdR), head of the French employers' association (MEDEF) (5thR) take part in a Unity rally “Marche Republicaine” in Paris on January 11, 2015 in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree by homegrown Islamists. The killings began on January 7 with an assault on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine in Paris that saw two brothers massacre 12 people including some of the country's best-known cartoonists, the killing of a policewoman and the storming of a Jewish supermarket on the eastern fringes of the capital which killed 4 local residents. AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG
Qui peut se permettre des crimes de guerre ?
Comment commettre un crime de guerre en toute impunité ? Dans son nouvel épisode de L’instant Piment, Marc Botenga, député européen du PTB, explique pourquoi l’Union européenne punit sévèrement certaines guerres, ferme les yeux sur certaines et en déclenche elle-même d’autres.
Dans L’instant piment, Marc Botenga, député européen du PTB, aborde les sujets épineux du moment. Il décortique les questions internationales et surtout les intérêts qui se cachent derrière.
Source :
via : Pretre SN Animation